Monday, May 25, 2020

4 Tips for Dealing with Workplace Stress

4 Tips for Dealing with Workplace Stress With workplace stress on the increase, it’s vital to know how to manage those feelings when they start creeping up, and how to do something about them before they can become detrimental to your health. If you’re experiencing levels of stress that could be damaging to your health then speak to your employer immediately, however if your stress levels are more manageable here are some top tips on how to keep work stresses at bay. Switch Off Work Emails If you’re worrying about work related issues outside of your contracted hours then stopping checking your work emails is the first place to start. By looking at your work emails outside of work, you’re failing to set a balance between your personal life and work life, making your leisure time feel like an extension of work. If there’s anything that’s absolutely urgent, someone from work would call you in order to address it. Take Up a New Hobby A great way to stop thinking about work outside of work is by getting a new hobby. Depending on your likes and interests this could be anything from swimming, to starting the gym or cycling. Hobbies that help you to relax can be extremely helpful for managing stress so try taking up a yoga class or join a knitting club to wind down after a stressful day. Order your knitting yarn here at Deramores in advance or try a yoga YouTube tutorial before joining a class to see if it’s the hobby for you. Get Enough Sleep Being tired at work only contributes to workplace stress and makes you feel more like you can’t cope, so prioritising getting enough sleep is vital. Going to bed early is a must, and if you struggle to switch off from worrying about work try reading in bed or listening to an audio book to distract you from work worries. Prioritise When in work, you can only be expected to do so much, so prioritising is key. It can help to make a list of everything you have to do and ordering them from most important to least, then working through the list in that order. This helps you to feel more in control of your workload and helps to keep workplace stress at bay. Keeping a work life balance is the best way to ensure that you stay on top of workplace stresses, so putting your best efforts into getting this back is vital. If you do feel like you’re struggling at work communication with your managers is key as they will be able to put measures in place to help.

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